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Lighthouse Homeschool Co-op welcomes you and your family!

We are each privileged to be able to guide and teach our most precious gifts from God - our children. With the privilege of participating in this co-op comes the responsibility of carrying some of the work to make it run well. Thank you for sharing your children with us and for your part in making this cooperative run smoothly for the benefit of our children.  

Lighthouse Homeschool Co-op grew out of another co-op, The New England Homeschool Enrichment Center which began in 1999 in Goffstown by Marie Dexter and Carolyn Lynch. The Enrichment Center moved to Concord in 2001 for a year and then Penacook from 2002 until 2008. The Enrichment Center formed a supervisory board in 2007 for the purpose of sharing vision and responsibilities to promote the growth and welfare of the group. The board created a vision statement in 2008 to promote a greater and more comprehensive homeschool co-op that would reach out to high school students as well as elementary and middle school age children. At the same time, it became apparent that a different building would be more beneficial for a larger group. The board sought out Faith Community Bible Church as a new home in 2008 and was thrilled that the church welcomed us with open arms in the fall of that year.

The vision statement was developed as well as a new name. The name Lighthouse Homeschool Co-Op was chosen because we want to be guided by God as the Light through life. We also want to be God’s lighthouse for our children as well as to others in the community - showing them the way to God. Before deciding on the name Lighthouse, we read many verses in the Bible on Light. It proved to be a profitable exercise and led us to our name and theme verse, “walk in the light of the Lord”. That continues to be the lighthouse toward which we steer our boat.

Lighthouse is led by a Board, originally developed from that group of mothers, which has established the policies, guidelines and operating procedures needed for smooth running. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines in the Monitor Booklet and on the website.

We hope you will find Lighthouse Homeschool Co-op to be a place where you can support, and be supported by, other homeschool families. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Board Member.


  • Our desire is to reach out to Christian homeschoolers by providing classes, fellowship, and social activities.

  • Create a Christ-centered environment for homeschooling children to receive an education par excellence.

  • Build lasting friendships from Kindergarten through twelfth grade and beyond.

  • Assist homeschooling parents in offering dynamic, quality classes that will ease parents' efforts.

  • Involve a large number of the community to teach and build a social structure for activities such as field trips, year book creation, dramatic productions, sports, robotics team and other student groups.

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